France-Cambodia Business Forum: Fostering Economic Collaboration and Growth

The France-Cambodia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCIFC), in partnership with the Cambodia Committee of French Foreign Trade Advisors (CCEF) and the Cambodia Chamber of Commerce (CCC), supported by the French Embassy in Cambodia, MEDEF International, and the Cambodian Okha Association, has recently announced the second France-Cambodia Business Forum.

This significant event will take place from July 8 to 10, 2024, in Phnom Penh, commencing with an opening ceremony presided over by Samdech Moha Borvor Thipadei Hun Manet, Prime Minister of Cambodia.

The Forum will convene members of the French business community in Cambodia, alongside representatives from French companies operating in the region. Participants are eager to deepen their understanding of the Cambodian market across various sectors, including construction and infrastructure, digital technology, healthcare, energy, urban planning, tourism, logistics and transportation, agriculture and agri-food, as well as sustainable development and the environment.

Strengthening Franco-Cambodian Economic Relations

The second edition of the France-Cambodia Business Forum presents an exceptional opportunity for companies, professionals, and stakeholders interested in economic development to explore the myriad opportunities available in Cambodia. It aims to bolster Franco-Cambodian economic relations by facilitating connections with strategic partners, political decision-makers, and local experts.

In recent years, bilateral relations have witnessed renewed dynamism, highlighted by successive visits from Cambodia’s highest leaders to France. The most recent visit was by Samdech Hun Manet on January 18-19, 2024, during which seven memorandums of understanding were signed in key sectors such as energy, infrastructure, and distribution. These agreements underscore a new era of cooperation between France and Cambodia and reflect the Cambodian government’s commitment to promoting private sector development.

Growing Trade and Investment

Trade volume between France and Cambodia reached €1,363 million in 2023, making France Cambodia’s second-largest European trading partner, behind Germany. French exports to Cambodia saw a notable increase of 31% compared to 2022, driven by agri-food products, pharmaceuticals, and metallurgical and metal products. French imports from Cambodia, primarily textiles, agri-food products, and bicycles, reached €1,192 million in 2023. French investments in Cambodia have also grown, with a stock reaching approximately €560 million, particularly in construction, agro-industry, and services. A dynamic network of over 400 French expatriate businesses further explains these investments and the robust French presence in the Kingdom.

Forum Highlights and Agenda

During the Forum, thematic workshops will address the Cambodian government’s priorities and policies in key sectors such as infrastructure and logistics, agri-food and agriculture, healthcare, and energy. These sessions will be led by ministerial officials, providing valuable insights and facilitating dialogue.

Additionally, B2B and B2G sessions will offer networking and partnership opportunities between companies and with government authorities. The program will feature presentations on Cambodia’s economic and legal perspectives, as well as public and private financing options. Roundtable discussions will delve into opportunities in priority sectors like tourism, digital technology, distribution, construction, healthcare, energy, agriculture, logistics and transportation, and the environment. Testimonials from Francophone stakeholders will enrich these discussions, providing real-world insights and experiences.

On the third day, the Forum will move to Sihanoukville, allowing participants to explore key economic sites and engage with government representatives.

Catalyzing New Bilateral Collaborations

The 2024 France-Cambodia Business Forum aspires to be a catalyst for new bilateral economic collaborations, contributing to the sustainable development of both countries. By bringing together a diverse array of sectors and facilitating high-level interactions, the Forum aims to enhance mutual understanding and foster long-term partnerships that drive economic growth and development.

In conclusion, the second France-Cambodia Business Forum represents a unique platform for companies, professionals, and stakeholders to discover the numerous opportunities in Cambodia, strengthen Franco-Cambodian economic relations, and contribute to the sustainable development of both nations.

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