Grab (Cambodia) unfolds its delivery service

Grab in Cambodia launched its on-demand everyday goods delivery service ‘GrabMart’ last week. Amidst a strong competition from other delivery services in the kingdom such as, and, the service via the Grab app offers under one-hour delivery of groceries, packaged foods, healthcare products, beauty products, gifts and other items.

The app allows you to enter an address into its GrabMart feature as well as displays items available for purchase from nearby stores, including Thai Huot, Kiwi Mart, Ucare Pharmarcy and Winest Cambodia.

However, the service will only be available in Phnom Penh’s popular neighbourhoods such as Boeung Keng Kang, Tuol Tompoung, Daun Penh and Tuol Kork and some neighbourhoods close by. Furthermore, customers will have to pay their delivery driver in cash with orders limited to a maximum of 40 USD.

Grab also plans to expand its service to the rest of Phnom Penh as it will engage more merchant-partners in the future.

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